The Great Divide

Jared Denstad
3 min readDec 7, 2020


As the night slowly rises to create a new morning
Don’t people realize that 1984 was meant to be a warning
Lessons of the past are forgotten and their monuments destroyed
As the people look on, their faces overjoyed

Watch now as the pendulum swings from extreme to extreme
Take care, for nothing is as it truly seems
The conversation was over before it could ever truly begin
Now is the time to make your choice and see what you win

Ahead lies a lifetime of anguish and shame
As you slowly become nothing more than a pawn in the game
Everything unique about you slowly slips away
Your resolve dwindles, leading you astray

Til you blindly follow your side’s cultish beliefs
And deal out to your opponents endless amounts of grief
Lest they take your precious children from your home
And return them back to you a mindless drone

War is now declared, this one’s for real
Each side fights now with unending zeal
And yet amongst all the blood, guts, and gore
Did anyone stop and ask just what they’re fighting for?

Too late for that now you silently fret
You’ve already slaughtered your family, friends, and pets
The battle rages endlessly ever on and on
Until all your hope, freedom, and life are gone

As you slowly bleed out upon the vale
Your breathing becomes shallow, your face more pale
Gradually now, your mind and soul does slowly transcend
You can’t help but wonder if this is truly the end

Fortunately you need not suffer this fate
Though you stand now at the crossroads, it’s not too late
Will you follow the path of ill recourse
Or choose a different path without remorse

Though your road is long, may you find your path at least
As you strive ever onward in search of inner peace
To find the true answer you must look inside
Search your heart and begin to heal the great divide.

© Jared Denstad


This poem is intended to represent my reflections on where the United States stand today as a country. We are a country divided, not just politically, but ideologically as well. And that thought personally terrifies me. This country stands on a razor edge between civility and civil war and unless enough people turn toward a more civil path and reconcile, the latter is inevitable.

This poem is not designed to be in favor or against any particular political party. Rather it is designed to encourage people to not blindly follow these parties and their ideals, whether they lean left, right, or somewhere in between. It is up to each person to decide what is most important to them instead of blindly following what a party or politician tells them they should believe. Doing that will only lead to the scenario listed in the first seven stanzas above.

Rather than constantly bickering amongst ourselves and fighting over every little thing that another person does or believes, instead of staying in our little boxes and isolating ourselves on social media, we should instead take the time to genuinely listen to each other’s point of view before we force our beliefs down their throats. If we are ever to find peace, it will only be after we take the time to listen to those with opposing viewpoints and peacefully reconcile our differences.*

And if you disagree with my poem and the points that I have made, then that is your right as a free person with your own ideals, beliefs, and viewpoints. But I hope this poem has at the least given you something to ponder about, at least until next we meet again.


*Before anyone starts spamming me with emails and comments, no this does not mean that we should tolerate those who hold viewpoints that would intentionally kill or cause bodily harm to others (e.g. nazis, terrorists). That issue is a complex one and is best handled by people with more experience than someone like myself.



Jared Denstad
Jared Denstad

Written by Jared Denstad

Born and raised in Minnesota, I write short poems about life, death, and everything that comes in between.

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