Social Justice
Will you choose social justice or social terror
Each individual must choose their standard bearer
For some the answer couldn’t be clearer
While others seek reflections in a distorted mirror
Some can only limited choices see
Others look upon wavelengths of possibility
Will these varying viewpoints ever reconcile
We have awaited the answer to that question a great while
The people cry out for death to all knaves
Before you proceed dig two graves
Ask yourself before you let the rebels fry
Are you willing to upon your pedestal die
After your decision has been made
You can begin anew your crusade
Give instructions to your minion
Drag the infidels before the court of public opinion
Yet beware the public’s fickle sway
For though you may hold the high ground today
One day the circle will rotate around
And you will be the hater being razed to the ground
© Jared Denstad