As shadows dance upon the pale moonlight
I remain struck by beauty and filled with fright
Staring motionless at nature’s great depiction
My emotions contrasting in stark contradiction
Eternally haunted by the moon’s pale glow
Where my journey takes me I do not know
I travel eternally in the dim and dark
Following the voices of the white lark
Luna’s wonders I seek to solve
As its mysteries gradually evolve
Across time and tides my study persists
I must continue on I cannot resist
I would be stuck in the darkness of eternal night
Were it not for the moon’s guiding light
It is my shepherd, my one true guide
As long as it shines, there is no need to hide
Basking eternally in it’s protective glow
It shines nightly upon the world below
If I could touch you it would be most grand
To live inside of you, become the moon man
©Jared Denstad