As I lay here in a hospice dying
The disease inside my body multiplying
I cannot help but reflect on my life’s parade
And all the varying roles I have played
I have been a brother, to a family so large
My siblings will never admit it, but I was always in charge
To brothers and sisters I remain ever loyal and true
Through bad times and good, I will remain ever beside you
I have been a father to two wonderful kids
Gently guiding them to exceed in whatever they did
Reminding them always that wherever they may roam
In my heart they will always have a home
I have been a friend, wacky and wild
People around me always smiled
I am a entertainer to people far and near
Always ready with a fire, smoke, and plenty of beer
Though my journey is reaching its end
I am surrounded by family and friends
And while I must eventually go into that good night
At least I won’t go out without one hell of a fight
© Jared Denstad