I Have No Mouth…
I have no mouth, and I must scream
Lost and alone, I walk the hall of shattered dreams
I stumble silently, what does this portend
Blissful silence, or torment without end.
I have no tongue, and I desire to taste
All the flavors of the human race
I have no nose, but want to smell
To miss out makes me feel unwell.
Humans are unfortunate beings
They go through life without ever seeing
The wonders that lay all around
Living their whole life with faces to the ground.
Wandering without reason, eyes eternally shut
They ignore the signs around them, stuck in a rut
They do not hear their family’s most dire pleas
Because they cannot see the forest, only their individual trees.
Open your eyes humanity and take in the deep blue sky
Smell the roses in the field, watch as the birds fly by
Wake up and leave your island behind
There’s a world of adventure before you, who knows what you will find.
© Jared Denstad
My thoughts in making this poem were pretty simple. I look around at people today, walking around with their heads down, staring into their phones and in their own little islands alone in the world. It is so rare nowadays that we take the time to unplug from all our electronics and experience all the wonders that the world has to offer, it’s no wonder so many people are so frequently depressed. That’s why I always try to take at least one day a week to unplug and do something offline for the entire day. It could be a puzzle, going for a walk, visiting friends or family I haven’t seen in a while, anything that keeps me offline. I highly recommend you do the same.
If you enjoyed this poem, please feel free to give me a follow on this website. I plan on putting out new poems on a semi regular basis. I hope to see you all for the next one.