Above the Rain and Roses
Crawling up from beneath the weeds
Struggling to not bite the hand that feeds
When I break through the light exposes
My head’s above the rain and roses
The sounds of everyday life surround me
Sights to hear and tastes to see
As my mind thinks and supposes
My head’s above the rain and roses
People are journeying all around
Each on separate paths pounding the ground
Though many see me and turn up their noses
My head’s above the rain and roses
Tragedy lays open upon my path
I move out of the way to avoid its wrath
Attempting to stay away it always opposes
My head’s above the rain and roses
Every step I take bringing me closer to death
As I continue to take in and enjoy every breath
As one door opens another one closes
My head’s above the rain and roses
© Jared Denstad